All Our Worlds: Diverse Fantastic Fiction

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2 books in series: Dragons Winter

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Dragon's Winter
by Elizabeth A Lynn

Series: Dragon’s Winter
Book 1 of 2
Since his twin's theft of his talisman, Karadur Atani can never become a dragon king. Instead, his dragon's heart remains imprisoned in the body of a broken man.But when his brother returns, cloaked in a veil of black magic, Karadur Atani will fight for his birthright -- once and for all...
Gay characters
gay, queered culture, 1997 Adult

Dragon's Treasure
by Elizabeth A Lynn

Series: Dragon’s Winter
Book 2 of 2
Elizabeth A. Lynn returns to the imaginative medieval world of Dragon's Winter--where a fearsome dragon lord struggles between ruling with might and ruling with justice.
Gay characters
gay, queered culture, 2003 Adult

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